“She undressed me, blindfolded me, and tied me with ropes to the bed, leaving me completely helpless. She was totally in charge and made me a slave of her desires . . .”
“I’m sitting at the library across from a beautiful woman. Next thing I know, she’s taking off my pants. I’m enjoying myself until the librarian suddenly shows up . . . and, without saying a word, joins the party. After a while, they both freeze. We realize my girlfriend is watching us . . .”
What reads like forum entries on a porn website are actual sex fantasies described by two different subjects in a scientific study. The fantasies are very different. Were they generated by random sexual urges or do they hold deeper significance?

Researchers at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya, School of Psychology in Israel explored those questions in a recent study and suggested that daily sexual fantasies may offer a voyeuristic view in to the quality of the daydreamer’s real life relationship.

The research involved both members of 48 couples who independently reported their daily sex fantasies and relationship interactions with their partners for 21 days. The researchers determined if each partner seemed to desire more closeness (attachment anxiety) or distance (avoidant attachment) in their relationship. At the conclusion of the study, patterns emerged that suggest that the content of each sexual fantasy was directly influenced by the partner’s personality, the quality of the relationship, and whether the couples’ interaction for that day was positive or negative.
On days when couples argued, both partners were more likely to have sexual fantasies about people other than their partner, said psychologist and lead researcher Gurit E. Birnbaum.
The study also found that avoidant men tended to fantasize about being sexually satisfied and irresistibly desired by unknown women, as in the library fantasy above. This kind of fantasy, the researchers write, may be a distancing strategy that minimizes intimacy and reflects a desire to escape.
On the other hand, people who wanted more intimacy in their relationship tended to report more fantasies involving their current partner. On days of negative couple interaction, these people reported more fantasies in which they portrayed themselves helpless and being controlled, as in the blindfold fantasy above.
The sexy scenarios you conjure up in the privacy of your mind may reflect deep unmet desires, says Birnbaum. “Tell me your fantasies and I will tell you what you want out of relationships and how to get your needs met.”

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